We advise organizations in development cooperation and other sectors on content and methodology. On the content side, our advisory services cover overarching topics such as gender equality, the human rights approach in development cooperation and the Leave No-One Behind (LNOB) principle, as well as specialized topics such as vocational training and governance.
On the methodology side, we provide advice and support for strategic or operational planning, change processes, your employee or management feedback, PME processes, the introduction of new tools (e.g. e-learning formats) or your strategic communication.
Examples of our consulting services are
- Joint development of a publicity brochure with success stories of a program for food security and resilience building in Togo
- Advising the GIZ country office in Burkina Faso on anchoring LNOB and the human rights approach in the entire portfolio
- Advising GIZ projects on aligning their impact model with gender equality as a principal objective
- Preparation of integrated Peace and Conflict Analyses (iPCA) for GIZ projects in Cameroon and Burkina Faso
- Advising the national vocational training agency ANPEJ of Senegal on behalf of GIZ